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New Stock Just Arrived In

Jovi - Air Dry Clay
Ready-to-use wet clay-based dough for modelling.  Natural ingredients Ready-to-use Odourless Air dries (24/48h) No kiln needed Easy to clean Gluten free Free from the main allergens  
Ready-to-use wet clay-based dough for modelling.  Natural ingredients Ready-to-use Odourless Air dries (24/48h) No kiln needed Easy to clean Gluten...
Prima Marketing - Re-Design Air Dry Modeling Material (Clay) (2pk)
This Air Dry-Material is pliable and easy to use, simply take it out of the container, press it gently into your favorite Decor Mould and release it. Allow it to air-dry. For best results, lay a damp paper towel over the casting to allow it to stay moist during the drying process. This will help minimize shrinking and any cracking from occurring. Non-toxic.
This Air Dry-Material is pliable and easy to use, simply take it out of the container, press it gently into...