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New Stock Just Arrived In

Das - Synthetic Flat Brush Set (5pk)
Das paint brushes - set of 5 small flat brushes for mixed media painting. Includes sizes 4, 8, 10, 1/4", and 1/2".
Das paint brushes - set of 5 small flat brushes for mixed media painting. Includes sizes 4, 8, 10, 1/4",...
Taklon - Synthetic Round Brush Set (3pk)
Out of Stock
These popular, quality brushes have been grouped together in sets and are a great range of multi-purpose brush sets for every type of media. Ideal as individual student sets. A set of 3 synthetic round brushes in assorted sizes.
These popular, quality brushes have been grouped together in sets and are a great range of multi-purpose brush sets for...
Taklon - Synthetic Flat Brush Set (3pk)
These popular, quality brushes have been grouped together in sets and are a great range of multi-purpose brush sets for every type of media. Ideal as individual student sets. A set of 3 synthetic flat brushes in assorted sizes.
These popular, quality brushes have been grouped together in sets and are a great range of multi-purpose brush sets for...
Taklon - Synthetic Assorted Brush Set (5pk)
These popular, quality brushes have been grouped together in sets and are a great range of multi-purpose brush sets for every type of media. Ideal as individual student sets. A set of 5 synthetic flat brushes in assorted sizes and styles. The 5/8 Brush is Camel Hair and the other 4 brushes are all Red Sable.
These popular, quality brushes have been grouped together in sets and are a great range of multi-purpose brush sets for...
Das - Synthetic Round Brush Set (5pk)
A set of 5 rounded synthetic brushes in assorted sizes.
A set of 5 rounded synthetic brushes in assorted sizes.